Photo Credit: Paula Pereira
Our tour of the Forest Research Center operated by the Sabah Forestry Department began through the seed germination lab. Here they use various instruments to measure the best techniques to germinate tree species that are best for timber production and produce fruits for local wildlife. One instrument they utilize in a table filled with water that has a gradient ranging from 25-35 Degrees Celsius, temperature most seeds successfully germinate.They exchange exotic tree species with different countries and also collect local, fast growing tree species to be planted in territories monitored by the Sabah Forestry Department.

Across the parking lot was the herbarium, currently housing approximately 40 million plant specimens pressed in herbarium sheets arranged in by colored folders by plant families in alphabetical order. Next stop on our tour we arrived at the xylarium (the wood library) which contains approximately 1,075 species mainly from the state of Sabah but also from other nations all around the world including India, America and Brasil! The final collection we visited was the Entomology collection which included the world largest moth and the smallest beetle. There are approximately 150,00 dry mount specimens which were all collected in the state of Sabah.

What an educational and exciting new experience getting a private tour through these facilities and seeing the research programs supporting the sustainable forest management of Sabah Borneo! <3 Visit their website at Sabah Research Center.
By Paula Pereira